Profit-sharing Plus Co-partnership.
[To ter EDITOR or THE " Eirocranut."1 Son,—There are two weak points in the question of proht- sharing—first, the question of the feeling of the employees when a year shows......
Poultry-farming As A Means Of Livelihood For Ex-service Men.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,--The possibility of discharged Service men being able to make their living on ten acres or less of land is at this moment receiving a......
The Bengalis And Indian Home Rule. [to Ran Enema Or
7111 `• Eltscraroz."] Sia,—Has it occurred to the Government that in conferring e peerage on Sir P. Sinks, and in making him Under-Secretary of State for India, they have......
The. Effect Of Light.
ITo on Eons. or THE Snarrron.") firn, — Your interesting article on '"floe Effect of Light" in the Spectator of February Sth prompts me to suggest that the cause of the public?u......
Innkeepers And Publicans.
ITo THE Entree or sea SPECTATOR...I Suo,—My f riend Mr. Siraey, if he will kindly re-read any letler of February lot, will see that it only refers to "innkeeper..." I quite......