[To THE EDITOR or TER “SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—In your issue of January 4th Mr. Grieve rebukes me rather severely for using a title for some verses of mine which Mrs. Reasons had already used. My knowledge of English poetry is not so vague as Mr. Grieve implies; but, though I recall Mrs. Hemans's poem now that you reprint tire stanzas, 1 must confess that I bad no recollection of it when I took " England's Dead" for a title. In any case the injury 1 have done to the memory of the dead lady is of the slightest. Her Poem is still remembered after eighty years, while Wipe will hardly survive the occasion of its pub]ication.—I am, Sir, de.,
[Mr. Fuller is generous, but there is of course no need for endanation or apology. Seat a title as "England's Dead" is a title "to let." To object to it is rather like objecting to a newspaper article headed "The Strikes" or "The General Election" on the ground that some other newspaper had used the same title.—L•'a. Spectator.]