The Atlantic Monthly says that Mr. Lloyd George's "Adminis- tration
came into being as the result of political wirepulling and personal intrigue." Again, the Adantie Monthly speaks of Mr. Lloyd George as the "recreant leader of democracy." The whole incident ie one of the most complete illustrations we can call to mind of how the cable may be used to mislead. In spite of the very strong anti-Lloyd George bias of the Atlantic Monthly article, the Evening News, relying upon the summary published in the Weakly Dispatch, was able to proclaim that it was " a complete vindication of Mr. Lloyd George's action at that time which led to his succession to the Premiership." Although the character of the article in the Atlantic Monthly was necessarily misunderstood by us and by others who relied upon the summary in the Weekly Dispatch, it still seems to us fairly obvious that the correspondence between Mr. Asquith and Mr. Lloyd George was at first circulated privately in this country in the interests of Mr. Lloyd George.