[To the Editor of the SPEc-rATa.]
Sra,—In your note on Sir Patrick Fagan's letter in a recent issue you say that " everything you have written has been shown to Englishmen with lifelong experience of, and residence in, India," and one would naturally like to know who they are, and why they don't write themselves. Sir Patrick has far better knowledge of modem India than I can pretend to ; but if he considers Mr. Gandhi an " extremist " (as he must) I cannot agree with him that Mr. Gandhi " has no popular support."
I fancy he has a very considerable following all over India, though how fax the people would follow his ideas in a real crisis is doubtful. I wish I could believe what " Hired Assassin " says in his last paragraph. T. S. Ftamanujam seems to me to take a more reasonable view of the situation, and it is quite true that imprisonment is a very unsatisfactory treatment for patriots ; but what can a Government do ? As long as it is a Government it must keep order. It is the business of a Government to govern and to put down open rebellion by force if necessary. Mr. Gandhi's utopian idea of " non-violent non-co-operation " is a different thing, and can be met by reason as long as it does not end in violence—as it generally would.—I am, Sir, &c., J. B. PENNINGTON.