Visitors To The Marvellous Italian Exhibition At...
be well advised to read, in the Burlington Magazine' for February, the valuable articles by Sir Charles Holmes and Mr. Roger Fry. The late Director of the National Gallery......
Notes For 'art Collectors - Tan New Season Of Art Sales
has begun quietly. But the astonishing price of 2,500 guineas paid for a woman's portrait by Jordaens at Christie's on January 31st shows that the experts are wide' awake and......
A Course Of Lectures On The Religion Of The Africans,
intended (we infer) for theological students, has been published by Mr. Edwin W. Smith under the title of The Secret of the African (Student Christian Movement, 88. 6d.. in......
Every Man Who Writes A Careful History Of His Parish
is a public benefactor. History, like charity, begins at home, and it is highly important that the young people should be induced to take an mterest in the annals of their own......
Answers To Questions On Hagiology
I. St. George, St. Denys, St. James, St. Anthony, St. Andrew, St. Patrick, St. David.-2. St. George.-3. St. George's Cross. —4. St. Edward the Confessor.-5. At Kilpatrick, near......
* * * F" The Scottish Historical Monuments Commission Has
pro- duced a most fascinating volume on the Monuments of Mid- lothian and West Lothian (Stationery Office, 32s. 6d.), exclusive of Edinburgh and Leith. The accurate and......
The Memory Of A Talented And Engaging Irishman Is Recalled
by the little volume on Standish James O'Grady, the Man and the Writer (Dublin, Talbot Press, 3s. 6d.). His son, Professor Hugh O'Grady, contributes a memoir, Mr. A. P. Graves......
A Number Of Tribes In Southern Rhodesia Opened Their Hearts
to Mr. F. Posselt, who has accordingly given us some charming folk-tales in Fables of the Veld (Oxford University Press, 6s.). They are elegantly presented and carry with them......