Spain and Her Political Future The aftermath of the "
patriarchal " Dictatorship in Spain shows that native individualism prevents any general agreement as to the country's political future. The Daily Telegraph has come out with the startling suggestion, attributed to Count Romanones, the Liberal ex-Prime Minister, that a Republic should be proclaimed and that King Alfonso should be Life-President. A Republic is demanded also by the various Radical elements, many of them prominent members of the professional and business -classes. , On the other hand, the old parties are re-forming to revive the see-saw of the political oligarchies under the Constitution of 1876. One of these parties takes the name of Liberal Con- servative. After all, why not ? The Marques de Estella has issued a statement to the effect that the Patriotic Union ought to remain non-political—whatever that may mean. All this seems unreal, and we are inclined to agree with Senor Camba that " if Spain intends to return to the old party game, she will require another Dictatorship." Meanwhile, there has been a fairly thorough revision of the late Dictator's decrees, and the ins and outs have to a great extent changed places. Military offenders under the Primo de Rivera regime, in particular, have been reinstated, but also there has been an influx from France of the voluntary exiles. These returned exiles will find Spain greatly improved.
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