Mr. Amery and the Unionist Party Mr. Amery has been
denounced in a letter to the Times by Lord Linlithgow for advocating a " whole hog " Protection involving food taxes. Lord Linlithgow was no doubt speaking for many Unionists who regard Mr. Amery's hot-gospelling as a rank disloyalty to Mr. Baldwin's cautious advocacy of Safeguarding. Mr. Baldwin and those who act with him have too bitter a memory of the results of a policy of general Protection to wish to renew that policy before they have been able to educate the electors. It seems, however, from a correspondence which has been published that Mr. Baldwin is far from wishing to ostracize Mr. Amery. We are not surprised. For Mr. Baldwin would like much more Protection than he thinks himself likely to get, and would be well content if Mr. Amery, by demand- ing more than is feasible, could help the Unionist Party to get the fulfilment of its lesser demands.