Every man who writes a careful history of his parish
is a public benefactor. History, like charity, begins at home, and it is highly important that the young people should be induced to take an mterest in the annals of their own neigh- bourhood. We therefore commend the Rev. C. Oscar Moreton's painstaking book on Waddesdon and Over Win- eltendm (S.P.C.K.,- 6s.. 6d.), which has been written so that those who live in these two Buckinghamshire parishes " might know more about the history of their forefathers." It abounds in instructive detail -and pays special attention to, surnamea and to lield-nameS. An Elizabethan map is reproduced, among other illustrations, and at the end is an elaborate map giving all the present names of the fields and the dates of some of them—a really valuable document for students of economic history.