ACROSS 1 Gin from South Africa for the governor (6).
4 Wash-place I set anatomically but soundly (8).
10 What Cleopatra didn't say is underfoot (7).
11 'The - roared and we did buffet it' (Shake- speare) (7).
12 Plans for getting layers of precious stones (10).
13 'Her feet beneath her petticoat Like little stole in and out' (Suckling) (4).
15 Mr. Nehru's country's fit (7).
17 Net gains in this are doubtless fishy (7).
19 It couldn't have been with a single needle (7). 21 .. a pagan, - in a creed outworn' (Words-
worth) (7).
23 She assists in the glassware department (4).
24 Though a wash-out, the old boy can read (10).
27 Doubtless the ecclesiastical body employs many pages (7).
28 I'm match-making here (7).
29 Artist is so derisive here (8).
30 Have the readers of Yeast (6).
DOWN 1 Duplicated suggestions of punishment are funny (9). 2 Diminishing inverted symbol of officialdom (7).
3 Wherein the seeds were sbwn of a fictional lawsuit (10).
5 Discloses one's friends (9).
6 'What is this life if, full of-, We have no time to stand and stare'? (Davies) (4) 7 Bonds evidently are sometimes lucky (7).
8 It gets into a definite article (5).
9 Horned dealer in stocks (4).
14 Where they won't have Haredale's victim (10). 16 Hens (9).
18 Does he-sing, 'Put me among the girls'? (6, 3) 20 The tetter that troubled Hamlet's father (7).
22 Each among the French for drainage (7).
23 Hair for security (5).
25 The girl gets confused in doctrines (4).
26 It's porridge when it gets about (4).
Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on February 26 and addressed: Crossword No. 927, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.
Chambers's Twentlah Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
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Solution on March 1 Solution to,No 925 on page 224 The winners of Crossword No. 925 are: Mas. G. W. BLAIR, 76 Ormondo 6 Drive, Glasgow, S4, and MR. PERCIVAL JONES, 1 Davos Court, Rhos-on- Sea, North Wales.