All Steamed Up
As soon as we heard that the steam train was a goner in England we all (at least those with suspicious minds) knew that there would be a spate of nostalgic literature to deal......
Loud And Bold
'His wise-in-chast-wit-worthy-wife did rise.' Even . Chapman occasionally nodded when he translated Homer's Odyssey, but from his translation Professor Lord has extracted some......
Speaking From The Chair
More Technologists—But Where From? By SIR ALEXANDER FLECK, KBE, BSc, LLD* I THINK by this time everyone, no matter what his occupation or profession, must be aware of the fact......
All Actors
IT was in another age, though not so long ago, that the Bolshoi Company bravoed and rhythmically clapped Harry Andrews's Othello at Stratford-on- Avon. What sort of noises would......