The King has been pleased to grant unto the Rev. G. Davys, M.A. the Deanery of he Cathedral Church of Chester, void by the promotion of Dr. H. PhIllpotts, late Dean thereof, to the See of Exeter.
The Kiiig has also been pleased to present the Rev. W. N. Darnell, B D. to the Rectory of Stanhope, in the county and diocese of Durham, void by the promotion, of Dr H. PhiLlpotts to the See of Exeter.
On Friday last, the Rev. P. Fraser, M.A. was presented, by the Master and Fel- lows of Christ College, Cambridge, to the Rectory of Kegworth, in Leicestershire. On the 9th inst. the Lord Bishop of Peterborough collated the Reo. W. APDonall, • ILA. to the second Prebend or Canonry founded in the Cathedral Church of Peter- borough, vacant by the promotion of the Very Rev. T. Turton, D.D. to the Deanery of Peterborough. The Rev. E. Higbane has been licensed to the Curacy of St. George of Colegate, on the nomination of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich. The Rev. J. Fayrer, M.A. of Clare Hail, Master of the Grammar School at Chard, has been presented to the perpetual miracles of Chillington and Scavington St. Mary, Somerset : patron, Earl Poulett. E. Ft, Dicken, Esq. M.A. of Corpus Christi College, assintant master in Charter House school, has been unanimously elected, by the Directors, to the third master- ship of the Hackney Church of England school, In connexion with King's College London. The Rev. R. A. Cox to the Perpetual Curacies of Charrainster and Stratton, Dor- set ; patron, Rev. G. Pickard.
The Rev. J. Burnett, late Incumbent Minister of Pinner, Middlesex, to the Bee- - eery of Houghton, Slants; patron, the Bishop of Winchester.
The Rev. J. Clementson to the Vicarage of Wolvey. Wanvickshiret. The Rev. R.Toines to the Vicarage of Coughton, Warwickshire.