15 JANUARY 1831, page 5
Lord A Dvocate Jeffrey.—it Forms A Novel And Peculiar...
in the canvass which this celebrated gentleman has just concluded in the Forfar burghs, that he has everywhere:been received by the people with an en- thusiasm of approbation.......
Trtal Or Carlile.—the Trial Of Carlile The Bookseller, For A
seditious libel published in a work called the Prompter, came on at the Old Bailey on Monday, before the Recorder. There wereseveral cimitts in the indictment ; but the part of......
Assault On The Duke Of Newcastle.--a Gross Assault War...
on his Grace on Friday last, at Newark. A party of nearly two hundred persons lay in wait for his carriage at Markham Bridge they were furnished with torches, and, as appeared......