The first Imperial state ball was given at the Tuileries
on Wednesday. Report speaks of it as magnificent and successful. Louis Napoleon glittered about in the waiform of a generaloffieer, with white breeches, and diamond buckles in his shoes and at his knees. Lord Cowley was constantly with him. The ball was opened by the Emperor and the Princess lllathilde, and the Prince Napoleon and Lady Cowley. Subsequently the Emperor danced' with Lady Cowley. The English guests were numerous ; and the Corps Diplomatique, "an grand complet.' It is stated that our countrymen were extremely anxious for tickets; that the greatest consideration was shown to them, and that at the Tuileries they were overwhelmed with attentions. Conspicuous among the guests, were General Petit, a very old and faithful Bonapartist ; Marshal Magnan, dancing with great energy ; the Countess of Teba, a Spanish beauty ; Prince Lucien Bo- naparte, " en bourgeois" ; Mrs. Hope ; the Prince of the Danubian Pro- vinces, "with a portrait of the Sultan set in diamonds hanging round his neck " ; and the Duke of Brunswick, whose pelisse "was one blaze of diamonds." The Faubourg St. Germain was not at all well repre- sented. At the supper, one of the curious observers remarked, that while the plate was emblazoned with a crown and the letter "N," some of the napkins retained the marks "L. P. 1847." Altogether this has proved, we are told, the most successful of the many and varied- fetes given by Louis Napoleon.
Next day, "Napoleon III" attended a Council of State, and the new' law respecting the pensions to be granted to retired functionaries was dis- cussed. By the present law, the highest pension cannot exceed 6000i francs. Napoleon III insisted that the limit should be extended to 12,000 francs ; and, it is said, the Council of State yielded. The downward tendency in the price of Stocks at the Paris Bourse was slightly checked yesterday ; Four-and-a-half per Cents rising to 10t francs 90 cents, Three per Cents to 80 francs.
The Journal des Derbats of yesterday considers that the recognition of the Empire by the Three Northern Powers "presents a guarantee for the maintenance of the peace of the world."
The Trieste Lloyd of the 9th instant announced that the Turkish block- ade of the Albanian coast had commenced ; that the Montenegrins had retreated into their mountain fastnesses, pursued by Omer Pacha ; and that the Austrian General Von Kellner was at Cattaro. It must be re- marked that the Trieste paper is not a first-rate authority.
The Canton of Ticino has got into difficulties with Austria. Some time ago, the authorities expelled certain Capuchins, among whom were- Austrian subjects. Austria demanded reparation, not only for the ex- pulsion, but for certain monies said to have been taken from the offend- ing priests. The spirited little Canton, according to the Basle Gazette,, declares that the Austrian allegations are groundless, and hopes that Aus- tria will not make reprisals. The Constitutionnel adds some further in- formation— " On the other hand, the German journals announce that Austria is de- termined to take the most rigorous measures against the nail:Lege Radicals- The Augsburg Gazette says, that the patience of the Austrian Government, is nearly exhausted, and the Cologne Gazette states that the Cabinet of Viene has invited the French Government to act as a mediator in the affair. We, not know whether or not the Cologne Gazette be well-informed ; but assure the prudent firmness of the two powers will easily enable them to waste small band of agitators."
The National Council of Switzerland met on the 10th instant.
The Chamber of Deputies at Turin, which has for some time been ffis-j cussing the naval estimates, agreed to them on Monday. The Minister of Marine declined to act upon the suggestion of a Deputy to send ships of- war on cruises out of the Mediterranean ; on the ground that war is not improbable.
General Gemeau presented the officers of the French Army to the Pope on New-Year's Day ; and made a speech on the occasion, containing the following passage in allusion to recent events—
"France, led captive by the Spirit of Evil, was marching to an abyss- The Elect of Providence was revealed, and France knew him. Then it was that God paid to France the debt of his Church. It is our joy, Holy Father, to believe that we owe 'this miraculous benefit in an especial manner to your prayers in favour of a country so proud of the aid it has been able to render and yet renders to the Holy See."
Abd-el-Kader arrived at Syra on the 31st December, and set out on the same day for Broussa.