15 JANUARY 1853, page 1

News Of The Week.

THE appeal to the country, through its specimen constituencies, on the reelection of the new Ministers, has fairly carried out the sentiments of those constituencies which first......

Napoleon The Third, It Appears This Week, Is Not Yet

firmly at ease on his throne. Russia still holds back the acknowledgment of Imperial brotherhood ; and the new potentate does not yet feel himself strong enough to resent the......

The Accounts Just Received From The Principal Australian...

in their general tenour exactly of the same kind with those which we have received for the last few months ; only that at every new arrival we have to readjust the scale of our......

An Overland Telegraphic Despatch Gives Us The Meagre...

that Pegu is to be annexed, the war against Burmah to be suspended. On this slight revelation a contemporary founds a conjectural defence of General Godwin's dilatory tactics.......