under the influence of speculative and other sales, have declined. The dis- couraging reports from the agricultural districts on account of the weather, and also the expectation that the Bank of England would further increase The English Funds have this week exhibited considerable heaviness, and,
the rate of discount, have guided the public in their operations. Consols, which closed on Saturday at 1004, f, opened on Monday at a slight advance; which was subsequently lost, owing to the heavy failure of a mercantile firm. On Tuesday, there was 4 depression ; succeeded by a farther fall on Wednes- day, Consols closing heavily that afternoon at 991, 100. Yesterday they opened 4 lower ; but rallied 4 at the conclusion of the Bank meeting, when it became known that the rate of discount had not been disturbed. This was rot maintained, as a feeling of uneasiness prevailed respecting a further decrease in the stock of bullion. Today, Consols have varied alternately between 99/ 100 and 994, f, closing at:the latter price. Exchequer Bills have declined Is. Bank Stock has not altered.
The amount to be invested by the Government brokers in the purchase of Three per Cent Stock on account of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, during the quarter ending 5th April next, will be 476,085/.
In Foreign Stocks, the transactions have been hmited, but a tendency to depression has prevailed. A decline has taken place this week ia the fol- lowing Stocks—.Sardinian, and Buenos Ayres, 1; Dutch Four per Cents, and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 1 ; Spanish Three per Cents, 4;
Turkish and Swedish Scrip, and Granada Deferred, The following memorandum from the Committee of Mexican Bondholders has been pub- lished—" Messrs. Baring Brothers and Co. inform the Committee of Mexican Bondholders, that they have received by the: Royal Mail steamer Trent 48,622 dollars from Vera Cruz, and 13,802 77 from Tampico." A cor- respondence has taken place between Mr. Richard Thornton, Chairman uf the Portuguese Bondholders, and the Committee of the Stock Ex- change, with reference to the late Portuguese decree; from which it ap- pears that any future securities of that Government are not likely to be admitted on our market. It is understood that a memorial to Lord John Russell from several firms in the City will soon be ready for signature at the London Tavern. There has been less doing in the Shares of the Aus- tralian Agricultural Company, and the variations trifling r they closed yes- terday at 260, 270. being a decline of 10/. compared with last week's ; today they leave off at 255, 265-
I he Railway Market opened rather firm on Monday, but subsequently became languid, and has continued feeble, in connexion with the general *tone of other securities. Yesterday the settlement of the Account took place, and caused no alteration in prices. At the close of business, the de- cline in some of the leading Shares compared with Saturday last had been to the following extent—East Lancashire, Si.; • South-eastern, 2/. 108. ; Great IsTorthern, 21.; • Bristol and Exeter, Lancashire and Yorkshire, North British, York, Newcastle, and Berwick, and York and North Midland, 11.; Great Western, London and North-western, and Midland, 15s.; Caledonian, Lon- don, Brighton, and South Coast, and London and South-western, .10s. Fo- reign Shares have also been heavy, with a decline in the following—Paris and Lyons, 1/. 58.; Paris and Orleans, Paris and Rouen, and Paris and Stras- bourg, 11.; Northern of France, 158.; Grand Junction of France, 108.; Rouen and Havre, 5s. There was a downward tendency- this morning in the Share Market, particularly in French lines ; presenting a better appearance, however, at the end of the day. SATURDAY, TwELTE O'CLOCK.
In the English Stock Market the Funds are 4 lower this morning, in con- sequence of the large decrease in the bullion return of the Bank of England ; -and the wet weather has also an influence. Consols are now 991r, a, with a very fiat appearance. In Foreign Stocks there is great dulness, and a decline of 1. has taken place in Danish Five per Ceuta and Three per Cents, and in Russian Five per Cents, and f in Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Sar- dinian Stock. In Railways there is a declining tendency—Great Western have been done at 924; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 291; York and North Midland, 57f. SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx.
In the English Stock Market the Funds have recovered 4; Consols are Bow 9944 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills have fallen 3s., closing 63 7. In Foreign Stooks there is continued heaviness : Peruvian has de- clined 1, leaving off 102 to 4; Dutch Four per Cents, Spanish Three per Cents, and Sardinian, are each 1 lower. The bargains in the Australian Agri- 'cultural Company have been at 260, 250, 255, 250, 252. There has been a slight rally in the Railway Market, and the following have been the latest transactions—Ambergate,;Notta, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 64; Bristol and Exeter, 1084; Caledonian, 66; Chester and Holy- head, 23 ; Eastern Counties, 134; Disarm Union Class B and C, 74; Edin- burgh and Glasgow, 755; Edinburgh, Perth, and 'Dundee 27; Great North- ern, 784; Ditto Half-Blares A Deferred, 41; Ditto Half-shares B 6 per Cent, 1201; Great Western, 92; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 814; Ditto Fifths, 11; London and Blackwell, 84; London, Brighton and South Coast, 1034; London and North-western, 1224; Ditto Fifths, 151 ; London and South-western, 91; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 94; Midland, 784; Norfolk, 554; North British, 37; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolver- hampton, 491 ; Shrewsbury and Birmingham Class A, 68; South-eastern, 794; York, Newcastle' and Berwick, 71; Ditto Extension, 124; York and North Midland, 574; Northern and Eastern 6 per Cent, 65 ; Royston and ilitehen, 153; Caledonian, 106; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent No 1, 14 prem. • Eastern Union Scrip Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 184; Lan- .cashire and Yorkshire 6 per Cent Stock, 151 ex div.; York and North Mid- land H. and S. Purchase, 101 ex div. ; Great Indian Peninsula, 74; North- ern of France, 331 ex int.; Paris and Lyons, 244 ex hit.; Paris and Orleans, 381-'; Paris and Strasbourg, 304; Rouen and Havre, 194; Sambre and Meuse, -94. Mines—Brazilian Imperial St. John del Rey, 301; Cobra Copper, 42; Santiago de Cuba, 64; United Mexican, 8; West Mariposa, lf. Banks— 'Union of Australia, 734; Ditto New, 94. Miscellaneous—Peninsular and
Oriental Steam, 88. -
.3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced
.31 per Cen Long Annuities Bank Stock
,Exchequer Bills
India Stock
Brazilian 5 per Cents
Belgian 44 per Cents
Chilian 8 per Cents 'Danish 5 per Cents.
994 4
991 4 100 4 103 I 6 71 4 224 8 63 7 271 4 102 4 98 100 106 8 106 8
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deterred Sardinian 5 per Cents Austrian Scrip 84 6 66 7 974 134
1102i 394 404 119 21 163 4 474 8 234 I 93 4 7 9 ex d.