The Times Irish correspondent says the Synod of Down Connor
and Dromore, have agreed, after a division, to the following clause in their future organization :—" In case the Bishops dissent from the two orders with respect to any proposed act of the Synod, all action shall be suspended upon it until the next meeting of the Synod, when, if again affirmed by two-thirds of each of the other two orders present and voting, it shall be submitted to the Bench of Bishops, whose decision shall be final." It seems to be believed that this compromise may be accepted for the Governing Body also, but we doubt it. The Bishops would not fight two-thirds of the whole Church except upon questions which a majority of votes could not influence. Suppose, for example, the Orders to decree that a clergyman teaching the Real Presence should be dismissed, and the Bishops to oppose that. Could they, in an ecclesiastical body, yield without affirming that episcopacy meant nothing?