Rome, January 8, 1870. Six, —allow M E To Draw Your
attention to an error of fact into which you have been drawn in your article of January 1, on papal infalli- bility, about the real constitution of the Roman Bishops is par-......
Gibson And His. Three Packages.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It is curious in the story you quote from the life of Gibson how the point has been missed. I well remember hearing Miss 'learner tell......
Erratum. In The Letter Of "angliconus," In The Spectator Ty.
January 8, for "Deans" read "Deacons." The declaration in question is only required from Deacons, not front Presbyters or Bishops.......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
Sin,—In your review of the charming " Life of Gibson" which Lady Eastlake has given us, you remark that what " puzzles" you in the great sculptor is " not so much his disbelief......
" Storm-beaten."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SrEcTATool SIR, —Will you permit me to say a word on this subject? Mr. John Maxwell is not, and never was, the owner of the copyright of the book. Of that......