15 JANUARY 1881, Page 1

The instructions issued by the Colonial Office to Sir Hercules

Robinson, the new Governor of the Cape (December 30th,1880), have been published, and are of grave importance. They disclose the ideas of her Majesties Government with respect to the native tribes of South Africa. Lord Kimberley agrees in the general policy of disarmament, but holds that an exception might have been made for the Basutos and Fingoes, until a militia had been raised from among those tribes, and arms had become, as in England, the marks of a special occupation. As the rebellion has broken out, it must be put down; but he is willing to act as arbitrator between the Colony and the Basutos, if both sides accept him, and he forbids the confiscation of Basuto lands, except by Act, which must be reserved for the confirmation of her Majesty. In the event of the Cape Colony being compelled to ask for Imperial troops, the Government will not attack its right of self-government, but it will consider whether the native districts, including the Transkei, as well as Basutoland, should not be replaced under the High Commissioner, that is, governed from England direct.