15 JANUARY 1881, page 1

The Debate On The Address Was Resumed On Friday Week

by Mr. Parnell, in a speech of ostentatious moderation, in. which he spoke of having never ceased to " reprobate " outrages in Ireland,—his " reprobation " having sometimes......

The Instructions Issued By The Colonial Office To Sir...

Robinson, the new Governor of the Cape (December 30th,1880), have been published, and are of grave importance. They disclose the ideas of her Majesties Government with respect......

* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In (my


On Tuesday, Remarkable Speeches Were Delivered By Mr....

Mr. Charles Russell. The former announced that the Land Commission wore unanimous in proposing to inter- pose a Court to determine a fair rent between the Irish land- lord and......

News Of The Week.

T HE week has been full of rumours about the coming Irish Land Bills. An impression has prevailed that they will ice weak, and deputations of Radical Members and Liberal Irish......

Obstruction,—figured By Punch This Week, In One Of Mr....

most imaginative cartoons, as a log over which Mr. Gladstone, spear in rest, is Quixote-like charging the mist,—has had the better part of two sittings of the Commons in the......

The Policy Laid Down Seems Sensible And Moderate, But A

question will be raised whether the despatch should have been published before Sir Hercules Robinson arrived. We think the publication wise. If the instructions are reported to......

! N - Notice. — With This Week's Number Of The Spectator...

the Index and Title pagefor the Volume for 1880.......