[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] 'SIR,—A fortnight ago I received an astonished inquiry from a 'friend at a distance as to the meaning of a play being announced for production at the Gaiety Theatre, entitled, The Nino Days' Queen, and enclosing a newspaper paragraph in which author- ship was claimed for another play, by another author, bearing substantially the same title, and stated to have been printed for private circulation in 1868. As my own dramatic poem, 4' The Nine Days' Queen" (by Mrs. Frederick Prideaux), was ,piblished by Messrs. Bell and Daldy precisely in that year, the coincidence was startling. It has been often suggested to me with some urgency that it would be well to "adapt" my poem to the stage ; but this has not hitherto been done, and I shall therefore be glad if you can afford me space to remove any .mystifications that may have arisen.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Gatco7nbe, near Totnes, January 10th. F. A. PRIDEAUX.