15 JANUARY 1887, Page 1

Prince Bismarck made his expected speech in the Reichstag, in

support of the Army Bill, on Tuesday, the 11th inst. It proved as important as had been anticipated. We have given our opinion of its general drift elsewhere, and need only say here that it is divided into three parts. In the first, Prince Bismarck explains the relations of Germany with Austria, which are, he says, closer and better than they ever were, even in the days of the old German Band. The alliance does not extend, however, to all subjects, each Power having interests of its own which the other does not share. Austria, for example, has interests in the Balkans which might even compel her to go to war, but Germany has none. She does not care about Bulgaria, and her interest in the whole Eastern Question is not strong enough to induce her to make war. Prince Bismarck then expressly denied that he feared a coalition between France and Russia. He did not, the friendship of Russia for Germany being to-day past doubt. He expected neither attack nor hostility from Russia, and declined to defend his Army Bill on any such ground. He did not hint what he would do if Austria and Russia were at war, but implied throughout that, as far as both were concerned, Germany and France were left to fight without the intervention of other Empires.