St. Paul The Author Of The Last Twelve Verses Of
the Second Gospel. By Howard Heber Evans, B.A. (Nisbet.)—Mr. Evans is the ingenious author who finds the authorship of St. Paul in the Acts of the Apostles and in the Third......
Current Literature.
A. Cruel Necessity. By Evangeline F. Smith. (Spottiswoode, Jones, and Co.)—This is a decidedly clever novel, with a good plot and some admirable character.drawing. What it needs......
Famous Plays. By F. Fitzgerald Molloy. (ward And...
first chapter of Mr. Molloy's book is devoted to Love for Love. About this play he has, indeed, little to tell us, but he gives us instead an interesting chapter on the......
Readers Whose Thoughts May Be Turning To A Winter Or
spring in Italy, may like to have mentioned to them The English Handbook of Rome and its Environs. With Plans. (Sampson Low and Co., London ; Fratelli Treves, Milan.)—It has an......
Sir Philip Sidney.* Even Those Who, Except For Tennyson,...
never heard the name of Burleigh, and who regard Thomas and Oliver Crom- well as identical, have all heard of Sir Philip Sidney. The story of his refusal of a draught of water......
The Sporting Quixote ; Or, The Life And Adventures Of
the Hon. Augustus Fitzmuddle. By S. Laing. (Ward and Lock.)—This is a sporting novel, but not of the ordinary type. Mr. Laing has a good deal to say about many questions, social......
The Eucharistic Life Of Jesus Christ. By M. Jacques Bervat.
Translated from the fifth edition by Edward G. Varnish. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—These sermons were preached in the year 1657, and had a considerable success at the time, the......
Why I Would Disestablish, Edited By Andrew Reid...
described by the editor as "a representative book by representative men." This is not the time to examine the reasons which this very mixed company give for their opinion. We......