15 JANUARY 1887, Page 20

The Eucharistic Life of Jesus Christ. By M. Jacques Bervat.

Translated from the fifth edition by Edward G. Varnish. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—These sermons were preached in the year 1657, and had a considerable success at the time, the fifth edition bearing the date of 1676. The English title is so ambiguous that it is necessary to give that of the original,—La Vie de Jesus Christ dans is St. Sacrement de l' Autel. If the translator wished to make his work complete, he might have spent a little more pains on the references. For one thing, they should have been given in full. What is an ordinary reader, for instance, to make of the following ? —" Quit. Avers. 1. 2. de Ench."—With this may be mentioned The School of Divine Love. By Father Vincent Caraffa. Trans- lated from the French of Marcel Bonix, S.J. (M. H. Gill and Son, D