go THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR." I SIR,—In the article on "Animals in Nursery Rhymes" in your issue of November 20th, 1909, mention is made of an old Welsh belief that the hare changes its sex every month or year. It may interest you to hear of a similar belief among our negroes. As our old washerwoman put it to my sister-in- law, ironing her ruffles in the laundry:—" Di'n' you ever hear tell, honey, dat in May all de coons an' de 'possums an' de rabbits an' de squills changes f'um males ter females, an' in de fall dey all changes back agin Ef you catches a rabbit or a squirl in de summer, hit's always a female."—" And how did you learn this, Adeline P "—" 'Deed, Miss Nelly, my mother she always tor me so."—I am, Sir, &c.,