15 JANUARY 1910, page 15
As Others See Iis.
(To TUB EDITOIL or via " SPZETAT08. 4 1 SIR, — In your review of Dr. Abel-Musgrave's book, " Das kranke England" (Spectator, December 18th, 1909), you indicate as the right......
The Bradfield College Ranch. Pro Th.i Editor Or Tice "
SPZETATOS.1 SIR,—My advocacy of the Public Schools League for Imperial Land Settlement in the Oversee Dominions at the Head- Masters' Conference at Cambridge on December 22nd......
The Congo.
To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOZ.P1 SII2j-It is difficult to reconcile the statements made by M. Renkin quoted in your correspondent's letter in the Spectator of January 1st......