The Times of Tuesday published from its Berlin corre- spondent
some criticisms of a letter from Lord Weardale which appeared in the Times of January 6th. Lord Weardale gave what he called " the real facts" about German ship- building " in order to prevent the dissemination of malignant fables." He said that he had received his information from the president of the German Group and from the general secretary of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Professor Eickhoff was represented as saying that the increase in the German Naval Estimates of 1910 was solely due to the established naval programme of 1900. Similarly Dr. Lingo was represented as speaking of this increase as " the normal one authorised by the German Navy Act of 1900." The correspondent remarks that these statements are " in any case nonsense," because the annual increases are not established by the Act of 1900, and that they are "grossly misleading," because the scheme of probable expendi- ture which was contemplated in 1900 has been revised by subsequent legislation, and has in fact been increased almost out of recognition.