The Salonika news still continues good. We and the French
are every day gaining strength from reinforcements, and still more from the improvement in the line of field fortifications (strengthened by a powerful artillery), which runs from the valley of the Vardar till it meets the sea at some place to the south and east—a place which cannot, of course, be named or even hinted at. As we go to press, however, comes the news that a serious attack has begun—an attack in which Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, and Turkey are all represented. The infantry attack has not yet been launched, but a terrific preparatory bom- bardment is in progress. Battles are of course full of surprises, chances, and untoward events. Unless, however, we and the French Suffer some piece of special bad luck of the kind that cannot be prepared for, the Entente Powers will, we are sure, be able to give a very good account of themselves.