Should The Clergy Enlist?
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SFEcriTog."1 SIR,—With all that your correspondent sets forth in his admir- able article of last week the thinking part of the laity, and. let us hope,......
The Beloved Captain.
E came in the early days, when we were still at recruit drill under the hot September sun. Tall, erect, smiling: so we first saw him, and so he remained to the last. At the......
(to The Editor Of The " Spectitor."1
SLR, —If the brewers were allowed to de-aleoholize their beer down to the duty-free (one per cent.) standard, and no other beer allowed to be sold, there would be no need to......
Letters To The Editor.
"DOWN GLASSES ! " (To THE BMWS OF THE " SPECTATOR.'1 supporting your policy of "Down Glasses," I beg to suggest as preliminary measures to securing the public opinion necessary......
A Mobilization Of The Church.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTITOR.1 Strt,—The stirring article on the above subject by "A Student in Arms" in your last issue has a sterling ring about it which compels sympathy......