[To THE Eorros OF THE "SPECTATOR?'] SIR,—Your correspondent Mr. C.
D. Leng asks where women workers are to be found. Let him apply to the office of tha Women's Farm and Garden Union, 45 Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster. At present, owing to the many calla on women's time and work, the supply of trained workers is by no means large, but if any are available he will hear of them there. The Union, among its other activities, provides shOrt trainings for women in farm work, and is turning out now a small but steady supply of efficient women farm workers.
With regard to another correspondent's letter on the subject of the shortage of drugs, the Union has affiliated a new Society called the Women Herbgrowers' Association, which proposes to regulate and stimulate the supply of home-grown herbs for drugs. Many of these are at present much in request —I am,
Chairman, Executive Committee, Wo men's Farm and Carden Union. 30 Upper Grosvenor Street, 11.