15 JULY 1871, Page 3

We are requested to correct a slight error as to

the title of the review in which Mr. Crookes' article on a " a new force," which he proposed to call "psychic," appeared.. It was not the Popular Science Review for July, but the Quarterly Journal of Science for July. One thoroughly scientific man's criticism on what is re- ported to have happened, is this, that, as no precaution was taken either to measure the force exerted by the pressure of Mr. Home's fingers, or to prevent their being slipped along the lever some- what beyond the fulcrum, Mr. Home may have contrived to fix the attention of Dr. Huggins and Mr. Crookes on the index at the other end, while advancing his finger far enough to produce by the use of vibratory movements as much disturbance of the index as was stated. Of course that is possible, add if true, would dispose of the "now force" ;—but if it happened so, Dr. Huggins and Mr. Crookes cannot be even decently good and acute observers, 'which their scientific reputation warrants us in believing them to be.