15 JULY 1871, page 3

The Attempt Of 141r. Dixon (birmingham) To Repeal The...

• voting for Education Boards got soundly beaten on Wednesday, his Bill being rejected without a division. It was opposed by Mr. Collins and Lord Frederick Cavendish, who, in an......

Mr. Tomline This Week Gave A Horrible Fright To Hon.

members and others with weak nerves, by announcing a discovery that, under an old statute of 1372, no lawyer can sit as a county mem- ber ; and Mr. Bentinck went farther, and......

The Authenticity Of A Letter Addressed, Or Assuming To Be

addressed, by M. Thiers to the Popo on the difficulties which would embar- rass any attempt of the Holy Father to find an asylum in France has been formally denied by M. Jules......

The Children In English Bricklields, The Most Oppressed...

English serfs, are likely to be protected this Session. Mr. Mundella's Bill placing them under the protection of the Factory Act and forbidding girls under sixteen from being......

A Lobster Is Not A Wild Animal. A Be May

be. At least that seems to be the legal view, for at the Exeter Assizes a man who had stolen a lobster from the " pot " of a fellow-fisherman in the Channel, and who pleaded......

Mr. Seely On Tuesday Brought Up The Old Question Whether

it would not be, en the whole, better to abolish the Board of Admiralty, and leave all power and responsibility in theory, where it now rests in practice, with the First Lord.......

Console Were On Friday Ni To 93i.


We Are Requested To Correct A Slight Error As To

the title of the review in which Mr. Crookes' article on a " a new force," which he proposed to call "psychic," appeared.. It was not the Popular Science Review for July, but......

The French Assembly Is Passing A Decentralization Bill,...

of it appears to be that the Prefect shall be aided and sometimes controlled by a Commission, elected by the Councils General from amongst their own number. The Radicals oppose......

The Ecclesiastical Titles' Act Repeal Bill Passed Through...

in the Lords on Tuesday, Lord Russell giving in his adhesion in a weak, confused, grumbling speech, which it would have been much better altogether to suppress, as he could not......