Sin,—Will you allow me to appeal, as treasurer of the Women's Holiday Fund to those who are now looking forward to leaving London for rest and change on behalf of the women who are sorely in need of both, and whom it is the object of this Society to assist ? The Society provides a holiday of two or three weeks for overworked mothers and wives of the labouring classes living in London ; each holiday costa about 30s., to which the women contribute according to their means. All applications are carefully considered by a Committee, and they confidently appeal to those who them- selves know the enjoyment and refreshment of change of scene to assist them in providing the renewed health, both of mind and body, which a holiday brings into many bumble London homes. Any contributions will be gratefully received by the secretary, Miss Synge, Women's Holiday Fund, Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road; or by myself ; or they can be sent to Messrs. Coutts and Co., Strand.—I am,