15 JULY 1905, page 16

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."1

Sin,—Will you allow me to appeal, as treasurer of the Women's Holiday Fund to those who are now looking forward to leaving London for rest and change on behalf of the women who......

Sig,—it Has Been Pointed Out To Me By One Of

my Noncon- formist colleagues that your readers have not had an opportunity of knowing why our " suggestions " were acceptable to the Nonconformist members of the Owens College......


Sin, — As a stamp-collector of eighteen years' standing. I was much interested to read the letters appearing in your issue of May 20th, 1905, under the title of "A Million......

The Removal Of A Naval Monument From Westminster Abbey.

LTO T II IC EDITOR OV THE "SrEfreATOR-1 a member (on my mother's side) of the ancient family of Cornwall, may I draw your attention to the course which the Dean of Westminster......

Wellington's Army Of Occupation, 1815-18. [to The Editor...

" SPECTATOR:] , SIR, —My mother was born in December, 1817, at Valenciennes, where her father (Lieutenant R. J. Saunders, R.A.) was then serving, be having marched from the......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator:1 [to The Editor Of

THE "SPECTATOR:1 Jupp's letter on this subject in your issue of July 1st is admirable. He is, however, wrong when be states that a British regiment actually ran away (as......