In Peace and War. By Sir John Farley. (Smith, Elder,
and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—Sir J. Furley's book is chiefly occupied with a narrative of his experiences in the Franco-German War, where he was engaged in distributing the help furnished by subscribers in this country to the sick and wounded of the two armies, and to distressed non-combatants. It was a service of no small danger, chiefly due to the " spy " mania which was acute in France. Hardships of the acutest kind, cold and wet and hunger and minor troubles, went to make up as great a total of suffering endured in doing good to others as can be well imagined. Much of what Sir John Farley observed may be summed up by saying that he found the Germans brutal and the French incompetent. He speaks also in strong language of the scandalous abuse of the "Red Cross" symbol. He was so much impressed by this fact that he always avoided as far as was possible the display of it. He has something to say about the Commune and its proceedings which contrasts strongly with some recent defences of it. His adventures in France did not satisfy him, for in 1874 he found his way to the theatre of war in the Carlist revolt. The enthusiasm of the population for Don Carlos strongly impressed him. It seems probable that but for the incompetence of the Pretender the movement might have had serious consequences. Another chapter refers to the help given to the sufferers by the great floods of the Garonne in 1875, and yet another to the Boer War. This is a highly interesting book. Surely the British nation is pre-eminent in its zeal for this charitable work, and in the efficiency of the men who administer its bounty.