15 JUNE 1833, Page 10



The departure of M. DEDEL (which has actually taken place), and the sinister rumours of the desperate designs of the Tories, have materially shaken the con- fidence of our capitalists. A fall in the prices of all descriptions of securities, with the exception of India Stock, has consequently taken place, and Consols


for Account close more than 1 per cent. below the closing price of last week,— viz. sq. We believe this depression has been produced more by the fear of domestic political embarrassment than any other cause • for the Foreign Stocks are in demand in the great Continental markets, and letters by the Dutch mail of to-day notice an improvement of nearly 1 per cent. in Dutch Stock at Amsterdam in the early part of the week.

India Stock still continues in demand, having to-day been at 249; and Bank Stock is steady at 204. In the Foreign Market, the business of the week has been more limited in amount than for some time past. The partiality for Dutch Stock still con- tinues; but the usual investments have been counteracted by some speculative sales, and the price is 11- per cent. lower than last week ; the closing quotation being 48.149. Belgian Bonds, which have been all the week between 91 and 913, have to-day risen to 92 : this improvement has been caused by a demand for the Stock both at Paris and Brussels. Russian, Danish, and Brazilian Bonds, are nearly at last week's prices. Although advises of a very recent date have been received from Oporto, they do not bring intelligence of any onward movement ; but it is rumoured, that, when the Confiance steamer left the bar, troops were embarking for the pur- pose of forming the long-talked of expedition to Peniche. The Portuguese Bonds have not declined much, being now 593 60. In the Regency Scrip, the depression has been greater; for after having been at dis. the price was yes- terday 23 dis., and is to-day 2513 dis.

Spanish Stock was steady at 193, till yesterday, when the price declined to 193 3; which was the opening rotation of this morning. About the middle of the day, several large speculative sales were made for the end of the month.;

turrectionary movement in Spam : but this can hardly be the ease, as the last Lisbon, as is supposed, for the purpose of putting himself at the bead of some in- near approach of the 1st of July, at which time a second dividend will become due, and for which the remittances are yet to be made, has induced many of cline of 'this Stock, a rumour is afloat that Don CARLos has clandestinely left advises from Lisbon speak of him as still in that capital. We are inclined to attribute the sales of to-day to a belief that the Cortes will separate without any at 2311. Mexican Bonds have also fallen to 35, after having been at 36i. The the holders to realize what, under the circumstances, must be considered a and at the close of business, the price was 185i, 19. In conjunction with the de- acknowledgment of the debt, or to the fact that the ex-Minister of Finance, the Cortes debt-if (which is not certain) he ever had authority to do so.

Nvhich depressed the market to 18-1. An improvement has since taken place ; Signor PIEDRA, now at Paris, has not been able to effect any arrangement of Columbian Bonds, after having been at 24i, have declined to 221, and close fair price. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The tone of the supposed Ministerial crgan, the Times, which contains this morning another anticipation. of Ministerial defeat, and is loud in its pro- phecies of disaster, has depressed the Consol Market still lower than yes-

terday : the price for Account has been as low as 89,i, and is now 894 India and Bank Stocks are both lower ; the former has been at 248, at 246, and is now 246 to 247, and the latter is 203?? 204i. In the Foreign Market the business has been quite unimportant, but prices generally are lower than yesterday afternoon. Dutch Stork has been at 48i, and is now 484 Spanish Stock is 184 19; and Portuguese Bonds and Regency Scrip are at yesterday's


Since the morning, Consols for Account have been as low as 894, and close at 8%, 4. India Stock has declined to 245-at which price several sales have been effected. The Foreign Stocksgenerally are at the quotations of the morn- ing. Just previous to the close of business, Portuguese Regency Scrip was purchased at dis. Spanish Stock is heavy, being'quoted 1811 3 per Ct. Consols — Belgian 5 per Ct.... 91f I'Mexican 6 per Cts. 35 + Ditto for Account S9I Brazilii.at 5 per Cts.. 66.; 7# Portuguese 5 p. Cts. 60 New 3I pee (;t. Ann — 1Danish 3 per Cents. 73* Do.Regencv Se. 5 p. C. 2 Bank sheik 203* 44.Dutch 8i per Cents. 48* /:Prussian(1§18)5 r. C.

India Stock for Acct 245 24, 'French 3 per Cents. — ;Russ:(1822)5 p.C. 104* Exchequer Bills 50 51,Greek (1825) 5 p.Cts. iSpanish(1821) 5 p. C. 181 j