A Minister's Promise.
No one can have forgotten, that numbers were induced to sup.. port the Irish Suppression Bill, and to view its arbitrary provisions without alarm, by the perfect confidence......
Philharmonic Concerts.
WE have heard some few concerts in the course of our lives, and out of the number, about half-a-dozen claim precedence of all the rest. The concluding Philharmonic of this......
Ill-matched Horses In The State Coach.
As Mr. STANLEY is a Cabinet Minister and a leading member of Earl GREY'S Administration, one would be apt to imagine that the formal declarations made by him in the House of......
Doing Good For Evil.
WE read of no statesmen, in ancient or modern times, who regu- lated their political course by such truly Christian principles as the members of Earl GREY'S Administration.......
Imprisonment For Debt.
THE praise of the intelligent and humane is due to the Solicitor- General, for having at length taken up this abuse, and proposed a remedy for it. We feared that the notice of......