15 JUNE 1839, Page 10


WAR-GEFICE, Tune 14,-1st Regt. Drag. Guards—Lieut. II. M. Tumor to lie Capt. by purchase, vice Evens, who retires ; Cornet It Newland to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Tumor; Second Lieut, J. B. Matotsell, from the 60th Foot, to be Cornet, bypur- chase, vice Newland; J. 1'. Cleaver, Gent. to be Cornet be purchase, vice Murchison, who retires. 2d Drags.—Capt. II. D. Griffith, front the 3btit Foot, to be Capt. vice Stewart, who exchanges. 4th Light Drags.—Cornet J. A. Todd to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Humbly, whose prometion, by purchase, has been cancelled; Cornet D. Hollingworth, from half pay of the 2d Drags. to be Cornet, vice Fitzgerald, promoted ; Cornet R. Newman, from half pay of the 4th Drag. Guards, to be Cornet, vice Todd ; T. J. Francis, Gent. to lie Cornet by purchase, vice Hollingworth, who retires; F. Pipit, Gent. to be Cornet by purchase, vice Newman, who retires. 15th Light Drags.—Cornet W. G. Cherry, awn half pay of the 4th Drag. Guards, to he Cornet without purchase ; Cornet R. Harvey, from half-pay of the 1st Drag. Guards, to be Cornet without purchase ; Regt. Serg.-Major J. Cocks to be Adlt. (with the rank of Cornet), vice Heckerpromoted. 6th Foot—Ensign B. Muntagu to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Schnell, who retires; F. L. Loinsworth, Gent. to he Ensign by purchase, vice Montagu; Gent. Cadet E. F. Crowder, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign without purchase, vice. Pattenton, cashiered by the sentence of a General Court Martial. 13th Foot—Ensign G. Mein to be Lieut.withont purchase, vice Von Shinn:, appointed to the 15th Light Drags.; Gent. Cadet G. G. C. Stapylteu, from the Royal Mit Col. to be Ensign, vice Metal. 26th Foot—Ensign W. he Peer Trench, from the 35th Foot. to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Evans, whoretires ; Ensign W. B.Park to be Lieut. without purchase. vice Perron, appointed tothe 15th Light Drags.; Gent. Cadet M. Cave, from the Royal Ma. Col., to be Enrsr6gim, vice! Park. 35th Foot—Cumpt.W. D. Steuart, from the 25 Drags.to be Capt.vice Griffiths, who exchanges. 99th Foot—Capt. A.W. Gray, from half pay unattached, to be Capt. vice E.L'Estrenge,who exchanges. 47th Foot—Lieut. A. Mitchell to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fraser, who retires; En. sign T. W. Elrington to be Limit. by purchase, vice Michell; J. W. Austen, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Elrington. 99th Foot—Ensign H. S. Michell to be Lieut. without purchase. vice Routh, appointed to the 15th Light Drags.; Ensign T. P. Gibbous to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Sinclair, appointed to the 15th Light Drags. Slat Foot—Capt. E. Forman, from half-pay uuattached, to be Capt. vice

Gent' Cadet t:

llocu1.....i.:1, tece Campbell, deceased. 55th Foot—Lieut. W. C. Pinder, from the lit west ludic Re t to be Lieut. vice Robertson, appointed tioirotmheou.1,5itlitnLtiigielt2t6Dfirla vg.s.;t.J.600t.hiseptolart.L. G 8- to be Ensign, by inachase, vice Trench, J. Temple, from the 82d Foot, to be Capt. vice Passley, who exchanges. Seth „att. T. Cochrane, Gent. to be Elimign, by purchase, vice Annesley, who retires. 7251. -; —Lieut. .T. Frith to be Capt. without purchase, vice Murray, deceased; Ellsjg, , J. I larding to Ito Lieut. vice Frith ; Ensign H. S. S. Burney to be Lieut, by purch..e. vice Harding, whose promotion, by punthase, has been cancelled; R. Pakeultamit.frIt‘mtlistlIrtolbtcutyteielltitlilii,tr pytirCeloultlseer 1,itoce be Ensign, promotion liFoot—Ensigneeiicancelled; T. W. Evans. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Miller, wilt retires. 82(1 Foot—Capt. R. Passley, from the 60th Foot. to be Capt. vice Temple, who exchanges. 02d Foot—Ensign Hon. II. hi. W. Cochrane to be Lust. by machase, vice Gerard, who retires; G. G. H. Johnstone, Gent. to be Ensign, by iturdwo, CueUtraltnaClied—Lieut. A. NV. Gray, from the 44th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase. Memorandum—The name of the Lieut. of the 8th Light Drags. is Laing Mown, suit not Laing only, as stated in the Gazette of the 15th of February last.