Duties On Sugar And Coffee.
Tun Chancellor of the Exchequer has " no hesitation in saying that a reconsideration of the Sugar-duties might be entered upon advantageously to the State as a matter of......
Revival Of The Shannon Job.
WHEN any reduction or modification of taxes pressing upon the industrious classes is suggested, the ever ready answer is, that " the financial statement for the year" must be......
Day's Exposition Or Euclid.
Boom of this kind are a proof of the good that is done by stirring up, and keeping going, the question of the soundness of the boasted logic of the geometricians ; though it......
Spectator's Library,
MATHEMATICS, A New Exposition of the System of Euclid's Elements ; being an Attempt to ed it . blish his Work on a different Basis, by a new Derivation of the Doctrine of Pro•......