At a meeting of the Committee of Deputies of the
" Three Denomi- nations" of Dissenters, held on the 10th instant, the "Report of the
Committee of Council" containing the Ministerial scheme of National Education was read ; and the following resolution passed— "It was unanimously resolved, That although this Committee have deemed it necessary to convene an early meeting of their constituents to petition Par- liament on the subject of public education, they take the first opportunity to declare their conviction, that the recommendations contained in such report so approved, eminently deserve the approbation and support of all friends of national education, on principles consistent with a due regard to the rights of conscience.
"They also with much pleasure express their gratitude to her Majesty's Ministers for the formation of so liberal and comprehensive a scheme for pro- looting public education."
[But Ministers surrendered their "liberal and comprehensive " scheme without a struggle ; and this was known at the time the above resolu- tion, signed "Henry Weymouth, Chairman," was passed : yet not a word of regret or reproof escapes from the Whig clique, who pass for representatives of the Presbyterians, Independents, and Baptists of the Metropolis.]
At a meeting held on Wednesday evening in Providence Hall, Fins- bury Square,—Dr. Epps in the Chair,—it was agreed to establish an institution to be called the Finsbury Lyceum for the Working Classes.
The supporters of the Royal Free Hospital, in Greville Street, had their anniversary dinner on Wednesday, at the Freemason's Tavern, the Marquis of Normanby in the chair. Lord Kinnaird, Mr. Easthope; Mr. Baring Wall, and Mr. Phillpotts were among the company. Sub- scriptions were announced to the amount of 1501.