Eric .flactropolis.
At a meeting of the Court of Common Council, on Thursday, a petition was read from Mr. Thomas Bradfield, of Itanclagh Place, Pimlico, pray- ing the Court to abolish the tax of "tone shilling and one penny on every ton of coals brought to the Metiopolis, or within fifteen miles thereof, by railways or canals." Mr. Galloway moved that the petition be referred to the Coal and Corn Committee. Mr. Obbard moved that the petition do lie on the table, which was carried with the general concurrence of the Court, on the ground that the proceeds of the tax are applied to discharge debts for which the City is pledged.
An election of Common Councilman for Broad Street Ward took place on Monday when Mr. Wharton, a Tory, was chosen, by a majority of 69 to 49 ; his competitor being Mr. Cumming, a Liberal,
Mr. Harvey's friends are aciiveiy supporting his" pretensions to the office of Commissioner of the City Police, under the bill now in pro- gress through Parliament.