Zbe Vrobincts.
A requisition has been drawn up, soliciting Mr. Roy, of' the eminent firm of Roy, Blunt, and Roy, of Great George Street, to offer himself as a candidate in the event of a vacancy in the representation of Chel- tenham. The requisition is confined to no political party, there being found among the names both Whigs and Tories, and not a few of the chief supporters of the present Member. The requisition has already received the signatures of upwards of iWO hiiiideed persons ; and about as many more have pledged themselves to support him in the event of his coming forward,—Cheltenhani Chronicle.
A requisition has been in Course 0 signature during the last west, calling upon Colonel George Wyndham to allow himself' to be put in nomination for West Sussex.—Brighton Gazette.
It is currently reported at Poole, that Mr. Phillips will retire from the representation of this borough at the next dissolution ; and that Mr. Glyn will appear as a candidate to succeed him.—Dorset Chronicle.
There is no truth in the alleged intention of Mr. Goring to retire from the representation of Shoreham.—Globe.
An opposition to Lord Fitzalan at the next election for Arundel is confidently spoken of.—Brighton Gazette.
It is understood that Mr. Hodges, the Whig Member for West Kent, does not intend to offer himself again. The Conservatives, no doubt, are ready with a man.—Morning Herald.
The Liberals of Hull intend to bring forward Mr. James Clay, cousin of the Member for the Tower Hamlets, in conjunction with Colonel Thompson.