The first assault of the piratical expedition on Cuba has
failed, and Lopez has made a hasty retreat to the United States—either in irresolution or in some deeper naotive of cunning Ile has evi- dently met with less sympathy than he expected in Cuba. But he does not seem daunted; and he threatens to returu in stronger fbrce ; which is not to be treated as idle boasting. For there evi- dently is an indefinite supply of rogues and ruffians in" the freest country of the globe," There is also indeed some law there —at- tested by the able charge of Judge Betts to the Grand Jury Of the United States District Court at New York, whom he instructs that they may init1a4e proceedings against sueh piratical disturbers of public law. Tut the question is, whether the balance of public opinion in the Model Repialilic inclines to the effeetual enforcement ef the law, or to evasion of it in favour of annezationiats, however lawless and ruffianly ? For on the convictions and resolve of the people depends the self-command of every nation, its greatness and its glpiT.