The Half-yearly Examination Of Gentlemen Cadets, In The...
Corn- pony's Military Seminary at Addiscombe, took place yesterday, before Sir lioirard Darlene, Major Edwardes, Major Rawlinson, and a number of mill- tary and general......
The Overland Mail Has V Arrived Today, Bringing News From
Bombay to the 11th May, and from Hongkong to the 24th April. The steamer started four days earlier than usual, to avoid the adverse monsoon ; but by chance had a fair wind all......
SATURDAY. In both Houses of Parliament last night, Ministers attained to that perfection of Whig ascendancy a "working majority" of one. In the House of Peers, the remaining......
In The French Assembly, The Committee On The Ministerial...
to increase President Louis Napoleon's salary is said to be strongly opposed to the project as brought forward; it will probably assent to the scheme for "a single year only."......
310}1ey Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. ' The business transacted in the English Funds at the beginning of the week was unimportant The settlement of the Consol Account was on......
Principal Ilouse Of Commons Business Vor Nett Were.
ilorulay, June 17. Lord Lieutenancy Abolition (Ireland) Bill; adjourned debate on second reading. Metropolitan Interments Bill ; as amended, to be considered. Factories Bill ;......