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The Globe of Monday stated that the health of the Count de Neuilly " is rapidly declining, and that his symptoms are such as to cause the greatest anxiety regarding their immediate results." The Times of Tues- day gave, by request, a qualified denial of this account-
" The Ex-King of the French, although suffering from a very serious chro- nic affection, is still not in a state to cause any apprehension of immediate danger, and he has already experienced some benefit from the air of St. Leonard's. Be has been confined to the house since his arrival there by an attack of bronchitis; whioh has added to the difficulty of treating his pre- vious malady, and has suffered also from the rapid succession of atmospheric changes, but has already so far recovered as to be able to drive out."
Monsieur Thiers, accompanied by Madame Thiers, arrived at Mivart's Hotel, from Paris, on Thursday. The Horning Chronicle recounts his first public appearance-
" Shortly after the House of Lords had met on Thursday night, M. Thiers en- tered by one of the Peers doors near the Throne, accompanied by Sir Edward Ellis. The French Ex-Minister seemed to be in high health and spirits, and maintained an animated conversation with several Peers and Commoners who joined him. Lord Palmerston who appeared to have been apprised of the presence of the French statesman, entered hastily, and,- after a cordial greet- ing on both sides, they remained in lively conversation for some minutes, Presently Lord Broughiun made his way down to the Throne, and after hinr the Marquis of Lansdowne. both of whom shook hands with M. Thiers with the utmost apparent heartiness. The historian of the Consulate and the Empire remained only for a short time in the House ; but- during his brief stay he appeared to have eyes for every member present and every feature of their Lordships' noble ball."
The Paris papers speculate on the motives of the visit of M. Thiers to the Count of Neuilly; and the National embodies the cream of the gossip-
" If our information is correct, we are about to have a manifesto from St. Leonard's. This manifesto will be an act of contrition. A certain usurper will in that document confess his fault—' mea culpa.' As an attenuating cir- cumstance, he will allege that he had always, in petto' had the intention of restoring to those who had the right to it an inheritance of which he momentarily taken possession, with the view of renewing at a later period, and on the that favourable occasion, what is called the chain of the time. An. ancient member of the illegitimate Monarchy, M. D. (Duchatel) who is hawking about this manifesto, praises it so highly that he is suspected of be- ng the author of it."
It was announced by a contemporary, on Sunday, that Mr. Samuel' Rogers had been knocked down by a cab as he was returning home from dining with a friend; and that the most serious alarm was witertained for the consequences. Yesterday, it was announced that Mr. Rogers is going, on well.
The Leinater Express reports, on the authority of a friend who had the statement through a sailor just arrived in Liverpool from Sydney, that Mr. Smith O'Brien died shout the 3d of December last, after an ill- ness of about three days' duration. He had not been sent to Norfolk Island, but was about to be sent. He had acknowledged his persona/ treatment to be very kind.
Prince George of Cambridge reviewed the Hbrse Artillery and the- field batteries at Woolwich on Monday, before a party including Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar and the Hereditary-O./and Duke of Mecklen: burgh-Strelitz. The review seems to have been a smart and active one less unlike actual operations than usual. " On several:occasions, Prince George galloped from the South to the North side of the common, to as. certain the ability of the Horse Artillery to overtake him if he had been .a flying cavalry officer : the celerity of their movements and the correctness with which they took up their positions for firing elicited his warmest ap- probation."
Mr. Cobden has published a sequel to the already published corre- spondence between him and Mr. Garbett respecting Captain Aaron Smith. Mr. Cobden inquired of Mr. Garbett, by letter on the 3e1 instant, whether he was not the same person who was last year struck off the roll of attor- nies for implication in a case of perjury in an affidavit of coats; and wirer was convicted of forgery at the Old Bailey in May 1847, sentenced to transportation and set free only on a technical point of law reserved for decision by the Judges ? Mr. Garbett replied by Inquiring of Mr. Cobden, whether Mr. Garbett was not in 1844-6 his correspondent of the Corn- law League ; whether he did not, at Mr. Cobden's request, go to Stock- port and vote for his friend Mr. Palmer Astley; and whether his catechi- ser is not "the Richard Cobden whose bills in 1846 were offered me under the firm of Cobden, Brothers, for discount at 40 per cent?" Mr. Cobden says that these stories are all "pure inventions and he shows his con- tempt for the "infamous character" who has drawn him into the corre- spondence, by publishing the letters as a finale.
During the discussion on the County Courts Bill and the Marriage Bill, which took place in the new House of Commons on Thursday, numerous complaints were made that Members could not hear those who were speaking immediately before them; and on one occasion the Attorney- General turned round and repeated his observations. Several Members- crossed to the opposite side of the House to hear the speakers on their awn side ; and Mr. Hume suggested the propriety of an adjournment to the old House. As the night advanced, the ffluniination of the.Honse dazzled the eyes as much as the inaudible voices had perplexed the ears of the Members ; and Mr. Hume again came forward to complain. The glare of light, he no, had given him a headache—" the arrangements were alto- gether intolerable ; and he protested against the House again sitting in that room." To the reporters in the gallery it was $till worse : their suffer- ings are thus embodied by the Times— "If the honourable Member for Montrose suffered so much from the glare of the lights in his place on the floor of the House, he can easily imagine how distressing it must have been to the unfortunate strangers in the gal- leries, who were on a line with the illuminations.' The intensity of the glare was, to use the honourable Member's phrase, intolerable ' ; and pot even an eagle's power of vision, if exposed to it for a week, could survive experiment."
The accounts relating to trade and navigation for the month endini May 6, mark a continued increase in the value of exports. For the month specified the amount is 5,412,8461.; for the corresponding period of 1849, it was 4,014,6141.; and for 1848, 3;556,528/. Linens, silks, wool- lens, and niachinery, all participate in the increase. should the experts
for the whole year exhibit a corresponding increase to that of the first four months, the excess over 1849 will be 9,000,0001. Of imports, an increase is shown lathe quantity of grain and provisions, as compared with 1849: in wheat the increase is not material, but in oats the quantities are-90,102 quarters in May 1849, and 218,124 quarters in May 1860. The increase is not so great under the other heads, but it is sufficient to keep prices from rising.
The Royal Commissioners appointed' to inquire into the practicability and mode of subdividing into distinct and independent parishes the densely-peopled parishes in England and Wales, so that the population of each (with special exceptions) shall not exceed four thousand souls, have made a second report to the Crown.
They report that there is an immediate and pressing demand for the erec- tion or enc hundred churches ; that those churches can be erected at an average cost, and that a sum not exceeding 2,100,000/. will -be sufficient. The Commissioners are "sensible that it would be useless to appeal to the liberality of Parliament, until it would be shown that theChurch herself had made every effort . to supply the deficiency of spiritual instruction" : their attention, therefore, fell upon the Crown patronage—or rather., "upon that portion of Church patronage which, although technically belongmg to the Crown, is practically disposed of independently of the *owe, by a,public func- tionary appainted by and under the control of your Majesty." The Lord Chancellor presents to 754 livings, worth 190,000/. a year, and also to 23 livings Werth 7,8771, tt year..,, Of those Livings, 0 are endowed with less than 2001. a year. 'kyr pronoged to augment the revenues of the insufficiently endowed "by OffiKing the _right, of preeentation to persons interested in the welfare of the poPulation resident within these cures, on the condition that the whole purchaee-money, or so much of it as would suffice to raise the annual value of the benefices to 200/., should be applied to that purpose." It is Propeged to 'raise the fund for building the 600 churches thus easily- " We submit, therefore, to your Majeety, that so many_ of these advowsons should gradually, and in the course, of -*few years, be divoied ef by private tender, as wo d produce a su,i equal to the amount which would be neces- sary to insure the erection of SIX hundred churches ; the Church-Building Connnissioners beinXempowered to regulate the order in which the advow- sone'to be so dealt with should be offered to purchasers, inwhem the perpe- tual patronage of such benefices shall be vested.'
It may be remembered tkat -Goethe, in 1827„ had 'delieered,oher to the keeping of the Government of Weimar a quantity of his papers, contained in a sealed casket,, witti an injunction not to open it un91-1M0c.-- The 17th of May beinerfikeff for breakiugethe seals, the authoritigagove formal notice as dirt•cfrdi eileccesedieetc. The descendants of the poet Schiller also
to the feint 01'th:fettle that Ply on that day deliver up the papers
received Von, ildqiiktiiiiliaiiers concerned their ancestor likewise, they had a right to be present. The casket was opened with all due form, and was found te--eentani the whole of the correspondence. between Goethe and SehilLer, The letters we immediately to be published, . according to di-
rectioos foand iii the cashat,--Guligstani's Messenger: . • -'
Mr. Beaumont boles, ALP., in ,-riturning -home from the House of Com- mons on Friday week, waOrnoclred cbewn by a carriage* kicked by the horses, and a Wheel:passed-over-MS head. Ile suffered from braises, and isis left arm was fractured ; but he is recovering. — Reverend , .Chades March, Rector of Berwick,- sear Steelton', mid A ComnAlftof Lapeny,,sitting at Hillingd.onpliave declared that the PiebendarFpf eterberough "is now of unsouad mind, incapable of manabitte 'himself and hls'arairs-; and has been so since Petrucci 1,950." e are fpriy to have to announce the sudden death of Mr. James Snail, netton, the eminent agriculturist. He was found dead in bed on M611114 lied, at the house of his cousin, Mr, Buchanan, Catrine, Ayrshire. Peihapeni-our daY there is no man to whom agriCulture owes so much. Fle wag-acknewledged bT all agrieultdrbits.to have been the inirentor and chief promoter of the Modern system of thorough drainage —that the drainage through the land by pipe-drains instead of over the land by surface-drains.
He had ; engaged in the . di6cdon of extensive works of :land-drainage.
He 441.1 as one of the. Commissioners for inquiring -into the mew of inaprqmmr of towns, spiel pursued that subject- with so much en -13,41-th suffered from it: . Latterly he had been engaged as one of the tending inspeCtio-re of the General BOMA of Health ; by whom his ,etertions were more - espetially directed to the application of the sewage Wit& and refuse of agricultural production. He was a man noted for-his fertility of invention, and a very- high order of ability. He was persona/1Y highly esteemed bythosii who served under him, as well as by those who served with him, by affigni-he will be greatly lamented.—Tines. The Roman letters announce the 'ffeath of Mr. Richard James Wyatt, an English sculptor of some eminence, who had long resided at Rome. It hap- ed on the 20th of Man:after a few days' illness.. .Mr. Wyatt was in his ;ninth leer. He Lived in a very retired manner, . made a toed income, snd as undeu=d to lmveleft a considerable sum of money to lux heirs ; but no will *fund. The depositors In the savings-banks of- Great Britain and Ireland, in .1847, were 1,095,564 and the deposits _39,24741801.,; in 1848, these numbers fell off to 1,056,W, and 28,114,1361.; but in 1849, they rose again to 1,087,354, and 28,537,100/. The total number of annuities granted through the medium of savings-banks in Great Britain and Ireland, from the 26th of March 1834 to the 6th of January 1850, inclusive, was 6,675. The amount of immediate annuities granted was 108,8371., for whichthe annuitants paid 1,149,0,56/. Of deferred annuities there were 108 granted, for which 17,332/. was paid ; and of deferred annuities by annual payments, 1,273, on account of which 59,934/. have been paid.
There are upwards of fifty Freehold Land Societies now in existence, for -the purchase of the forty-shilling county franchise. In these societies there are already about 14,781 members; who hold altogether 20,475 shares, each of the shares representing a county-vote. The average price of these forty- shilling freeholds has been twenty-five pounds ; so that the purchase gives a good money income, as well as a political voice. By the construction of the new landing-quay at the South pier at Dover, for the convenience of the Continental traffic, steamers can leave and enter the harbour On tour earlier and an hour later than formerly. This renders the disagreeable necessity of boating a thing of rare occurrence ; and, owing to the rapid progress of the harbour of refuge works, another summer will see that practice totally discontinued—Maidstone Journal.
Passengers are now brought from Dublin to Liverpool for fourpence a head. Liverpool- is in consequence infested by gangs] of vagrants who have come over for the purpose of begging; and a capital thing some of them make of it.. A Select Vestry has issued an advertisement ,remiesting,housekeepere to discountenance the system by giving no alms at their doers to unknown parties.
A new convict establishment is about to be get in action at the Princetow-n prisons, Dartmoor, which have remained tenantless since the peace of1815; and it is said that the convicts are to be employed under guard in agricultu- ral operations on Dartmoor. Joseph Ady was captured by the Police last week, and lodged in Giltspur Street Prison, on a charge of defrauding the Post-office by sending 1,40C unpaid letters, which were returned.
The Police lately succeeded in arresting a band of thirty-one housebreaker!, composed almost entirely of liberated convicts, having a centre of otierations at the house of a receiver. Four of them having been caught in grsnte delicto, at an apartment in the Rue Bertha Poinle, the door of which they had forced open with a "jemmy," their place of rendezvous was discovered, and, a trap having been set for them, the whole band was taken. Among the articles found on the premises of the receiver, were many valuable pic- tures, jewellery of all kinds, four watches, &c. and wrapped up in an old stocking a sum of 8,050 francs. There was RIM' a quantity of plate, dupli- cates of the Mont de Piete„ works of watches, and other articles. While the Police were engaged on the premises, four other receivers of stolen geode came in, and, being confronted with the thieves and reoognized, were sent with the others to the Prefecture—Galignani's Messenger.
The following piece of blind arrogance appears in the New York Globe. "Frederic Douglas, the impudent Negro who has of late taken upon himself the .privilege of abusing our country, its patriots and constitution without having that chastisement he so richly merited at the hands of our'Republi- cane, who would not condescend to notice his blasphemy and negroisms' had the audacity yesterday morning to walk down Broadway, the principal pro- menade in our city, with two White women resting on his arms. Several citizens who noticed this disgraceful scene followed the impudent scamp to the Battery. On observing that he was watched, the Negro commenced laughing and sneering at the gentlemen who were behind. him. One of them could not withstand the provoked and justifiable temptation to award to the Negro that punishment which his daring rascality had subjected him to. The gentleman stepped up to him, and politely requested the women to leave their ebony companion and place themselves under the protection of a gentleman who was standing near by. The women very quietly did as they were desired to do and then the indignant and insulted gentleman adminis- tered to the back of the Negro a dressing that he will have occasion to re- member some tim hence. Maddened justice forgets the dictates of law in a case of this kind ; and, personally, we can see no reason why it should not."
Some villains heaped combustibles in the shaft of North Pool mine, near Redruth, and set fire to them. The neighbourhood was alarmed by the blazing of the timber-work in the shaft, which was consumed; fortunately, there were no workers in the mine. It was found that a number of lucifer- matches had been stuffed in the key-hole of the powder-house, but they had borot aut without firing the door.
young man has been drowned in- the Irwell, near Manchester, by at- tempting to swim across to escape a railway policeman whom he thought to be in pursuit : the young man bad, apparently, been engaged in examining plunder when the officer approached hum.
A female, servant has been killed at Stone's-end in the Borough, by falling from the top story of a high house, while incautiously standing on the sill to dean a window. The dangerous position of the woman had hardly attracted the attention of sonic passengers, when she was a corpse upon the pavement, her skull shattered to pieces.
While four young men were upon Lake Windermere on Sunday night, in a frail boat fitted with a sail, a sudden squall upset the vessel. Two of the young mot were drowned, locked in each other's grasp: the others clung to the boat, managed to right it, and got into it, though full of water; their cries attracted attention, and they were rescued.
At Messrs. Rosenberg and Montgomery's distillery-, in Castle Street, Lei- cester Square, a quantity of spirits took fire on Monday last, and caused eon- eiderible damage. An exciseman is said to have left the tap of a vat turned oti, whereby a great deal of overproof spirit ran about the place, and coining in contact with a light, blazed up.
The' Dumfries Courier reports that the "most forcible" preacher in Soot- land—n young clergyman of Herculean ability—has been rather too forcible: for half an hour he expended his energy on the pulpit ; at last the front gave way, and the preacher pitched into the area of the kirk, severely hurting the p recentor in his descent.