15 JUNE 1872, Page 2

Another scene in the Spanish melodrama. Marshal Serrano has advised

the King to strike a coup c lie, and suspend the con- stitutional guarantees, as the only method of restoring perfect order. The King refused, and sent for S. Zorrilla, the leader of the Radical Monarchists, who recently announced his intention of retiring from public life. S. Zorrilla accepted the task of forming a Miuistry, and performed it successfully, calling to power his old friends, Cordoba, as Minister at War; Martos, as Foreign Secretary ; Ruiz Gomez, as Minister of Finance ; and some new men. S. Zorrilla is able and determined, and may be supported by a new Cortes, but he will scarcely possess Serrano's influence with the Army, and will be resisted by the Church. He has always been for strict honesty in finance.