Mr. Gladstone And Lord Granville, Questioned In The...
Commons and Lords on Tuesday as to a despatch of Lord Gran- ville's asking Mr. Fish to concur in a joint request to the Geneva Tribunal for an eight months' adjournment, which......
Recent Accounts From America Are Very Favourable To The...
of Mr. Greeley. The New York Democrats have accepted him with enthusiasm, as have also the Democratic Conventions of Kansas, Iowa, and South Carolina. It is believed that the......
News Of The Week.
The Lords Had Their Field-night On The Ballot On Monday.
Earl Grey moved the rejection of the Bill, and was followed by Lord Salisbury and fifty-six Peers ; but the Duke of Richmond, the leader of the Conservatives, advised his......
No Liberal Member Took Quite So Strong A Line As
this, and Mr. Bentinck, as usual, promptly condemned his own leader (Mr. Disraeli), condemned the Prime Minister, the principle of arbitra- tion, and everything else any way......
It Is A Matter Of Anxious Doubt Whether, In Case
the Alabama part of the Treaty is torn off it to-day at Geneva, that will or will not dissolve the obligations of the other Conventions it includes, especially the San Juan......