As we do not happen to agree with the Times
that Captain Trench's return satisfies the "moral equity" of the case, holding that no English judge, occupied with the other aspects of the case besides those which most appealed to the passions, could have over- looked the remarkable evidence as to landlord intimidation on the part of Captain Trench's partisans, we will just add that nothing can be too strong to express our horror of the disgraceful and cowardly terrorism used by the Irish people against Mr. Justice Keogh, who has been obliged to come over to this country under a strong escort of police. It is this vindictive passionateness in the Irish people which lays them open to such violent attacks as Mr. Justice Keogh has directed against them, and which alone can in any way excuse such attacks. The violence of the people re-act upon the judge, and the violence of the judge inflames the people.