The Opportunists have made a great effort to conciliate the
clerical party without offending the Radicals. M. Carnot has officially attended mass, which M. Grey), always refused to do, and on the 5th inst. M. Ferry delivered a speech, which is dis- cussed elsewhere, and means that while his party will retrace no anti-religious step, they will go no further in the war with the Church. The speech produced great excitement, and on Saturday the Right, through M. de Man, the clerical dragoon, rejected the offer contumeliously; while M. Clemenceau, for the Radicals, proclaimed that the war must continue until the Church was crushed. The religious question remains, therefore, the dividing-line between Moderate and Radical Republicans. It is remarkable as an illustration of the feebleness momentarily apparent in the London Press, that this great debate, which may govern the whole future, has not been reported even intelligibly in any London paper.