[to The Editor Of The "spectaton.."] Sir, — I Have Been...
"A. D.'s" interesting letter. The belief that a horse-tail hair in water will turn into an eel, is to be found here and there all over the Kingdom. Having lain in water for a......
ENGLISH HUMORISTS IN ART: THE OLDER HUMORISTS. THE present exhibition can hardly fail to prove interesting, the director, Mr. Joseph Grego, having provided food for all tastes.......
" Foreshadowings Of Christianity."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECT4208..] SIE, — Raving seen the review which you published in the , Spectator of May 25th, on my little work, " Foreshadowings of Christianity," I......
Oak-apple Day.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—In the Spectator of June 8th, Mr. Thomas Hughes appears indirectly to support the popular error that Oak- Apple Day is to be regarded......
A Rustic Superstition.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The rustic superstition, mentioned by your corre- spondent, that horse-hairs accidentally dropped into the water will in due course of......
Monkeys' Brains.
[TO TAZ EDITOIA OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Szn,—Dr. Berdoe has no doubt justly defined the actual bodily pain endured by the monkeys mentioned in my former letter. Any reader,......