15 JUNE 1889, Page 25

The Hospital Annual, 1889. Edited by Henry C. Burdett. (The

Hospital, Salisbury Court.)—The title-page describes this book as "containing a review of the position and requirements of the voluntary charities, and an exhaustive record of hospital work for the year," and also giving a "useful and reliable guide to English hospitals, dispensaries, nursing institutions, and asylums." It is needless to say that it is full of interesting figures. The total cost of the ten largest hospitals per bed varies from £102 15s. 11d. (King's College) to 461 18s. 3d. (London) ; but then, King's College has 151 beds occupied to the London's 644. Alcohol costs per bed from .P.,3 3s. 10d. (St. George's) to 16s. 6d. (Guy's). Going to the provincial hospitals, we find £58 lie. 5d. at Manchester, and £43 10s. 4d. at Glasgow. The variations are less and the average cost much smaller. The Derbyshire Children's Hospital has an average cost as low as .219 13s. 4d. We quote these figures with a full knowledge that there are many modifying circumstances which should be known and considered before any conclusion can be drawn.